- Updated Schema for AI Result ingestion to include:
- Study Date
- Result Indicator
- Platform
- Inference Date
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Exam Name
- Modality
- Body Part Examined
- Contrast Indication
- Updated Schema for Rad Report ingestion to include:
- Study Date
- Physician ID
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Exam Name
- Modality
- Body Part Examined
- Contrast Indication
- Added Platform and App version to ACR submitted data for monitoring
- Added capability to preview and review de-identified data
- Added at a mechanism to produce Concordance reports.
- UI Enhancements
- Capability to retry failed submission
- Added a view to monitor submissions
- Capability to retry failed submission
- Added a mechanism to file clean-up including
- Successful submission will be removed after 14 days
- Unresolved failures will be removed after 14 days