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Invite user to Connect


  • ACR Connect is installed at your site.

  • Administrator role to access User management.

  • Open your site's ACR Connect URL in a web browser → Sign in with ACR ID → Open User management.

Invite user

Select the Invite User button. Provide the e-mail address of the user you wish to invite. Select an appropriate role and apps the user would require access to. Select Invite to generate the invitation e-mail.

Copy invitation e-mail to clipboard and paste it in your organizations e-mail client. Send the notification to the user’s e-mail address.


Accept invite

Follow the steps provided in the invite by creating an ACR ID account and completing the verification provided in the invite. 


The e-mail address of the registered ACR ID should exactly match the e-mail address used by administrator to generate the invitation. 

Invitation validity

The verification link provided in the invitation is only valid for 7 days. A newly invited user needs to accept the invitation by clicking the verification link provided in the invitation. If for any reason the user had not received the e-mail or the verification link has expired, only an administrator can resend the invitation.

Resend invitation

To resend invitation, simply use the icon to generate a new invitation for the user. Copy the invitation and follow same steps as before to resend new invitation.

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