Release Date: 10/21/2024
New Features
HL7 Service: HL7 v2 Data Validation: Implemented validation functionality for HL7 v2 data reception, logging any validation failures, so we can ensure upfront validation during data ingestion.
HL7 Service Endpoint Update: Added the HL7 service to the /services/version endpoint for better service tracking.
HL7 FHIR Parsing Implementation: Developed functionality to parse received FHIR data according to defined rules in a profile, enabling structured data storage.
HL7 FHIR Event Message Properties Update: Updated event message properties in the HL7 FHIR service to include additional relevant information for subscribers.
Database Changes for FHIR Data Storage: Implemented necessary database changes to support the storage of received FHIR data and enabled FHIR for relevant applications.
FHIR Data Reception Implementation: Added functionality for receiving FHIR data through a single POST API in the HL7 service without authorization for now.
.NET 8 Upgrade for Master ID Index Service: Upgraded the Master ID Index (MII) service from .NET 6 to .NET 8 to leverage improved performance and security features.
Pipeline File Update: Updated all pipeline files to use ACREnterprise, enhancing deployment consistency.
Duende Licensing Addition: Integrated Duende licensing for the gateway service to comply with licensing requirements.
Kestrel Static File Filter: Implemented a filter in Kestrel Static to exclude package.json and package-lock.json files across all UI projects to enhance security.
Gateway Service .NET 8 Upgrade: Upgraded the Gateway service to .NET 8 and resolved any issues encountered during the transition.
Update Agent Stability Improvement: Enhanced stability for the Update Agent to operate more reliably during Artifact Server downtime, ensuring smoother operations.
ACRConnect Edit Datapath Command Issue: Resolved issue where the ACRConnect Edit Datapath command failed to update the storage path for the DIR listener.