- Click on Import files directly from local drive option in AI Result tile on the Dashboard.
- Download appropriate template to import files and/or folders into the system.
- The template requires to submit Patient ID, Accession Number, Result Indicator, AI Result, Manufacturer, Model, Study Date, Software Version, Platform, Inference Date, Age, Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Exam Name, Modality, Body Part Examined and Contrast Indication.
- The template requires to submit Patient ID, Accession Number, Result Indicator, AI Result, Manufacturer, Model, Study Date, Software Version, Platform, Inference Date, Age, Sex, Race, Ethnicity, Exam Name, Modality, Body Part Examined and Contrast Indication.
- Once AI Result data import is complete, click on Next.
- The app will anonymize PHI values.
- Verify the file details and submit data to ACR.
- The System must display a successful anonymization status for the imported file. If not, a delete option will be presented for deletion of the file from the app and/or to resubmit.
- Upon preview user action, the System shall display the de-id file with de-identified values for PHI.
- The de-identification status of “Failed” will display upon unsuccessful data de-identification or ingestion.
- Additionally, the system shall display this informative message on top “Please retry failed data row before submitting”, and disable the submit feature till error is resolved
- The following actions only appear if failure occurs.
- Retry: This action will retry processing of errors occurred during ingestion and de-identification
- View Logs: This action allows you to view error logs.
- Once submitted a modal will appear to notify that data submission is queued with an option to see its status in submission history