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2.2 Release Notes


The scope of TRIAD Uploader 2.2 focuses on features, enhancements, and technical tasks in support of trials and ongoing improvements to TRIAD Uploader stability and performance.

New Features

  • Bulk Folder Import: A feature supporting the import of large DICOM datasets already saved to a server folder path. 
  • Data Import Page: A new page, similar to Submission Monitor, that tracks the retrieval of large datasets imported through Bulk Folder Import or Query & Retrieve. 
  • Together, these two features allow a user to initiate the import of a large DICOM dataset and have that import progress without having the user monitor for timeouts or error. The Data Import Page displays the import status as it progresses, notifying the user of success, partial failure, or failure.


  • Consistent use of "X" to close all modal windows.
  • Alignment of deletion behavior when deleting clinical data files on the "Preview" page and using "Select All" or selecting individual boxes. 
  • Resolution of scenarios where progress bar did not display.
  • Resolution of scenarios where Submission Monitor did not accurately reflect current submission status. 
  • Improvements
  • Project Selection: For participants in multiple projects on TRIAD Uploader, the ability to toggle between projects when working within a project. This eliminates the need to return to the Connect Landing Page to select another project.
  • Submission Monitor Refresh: Messaging to a user viewing the Submission Monitor that new data has been submitted. User is able to refresh that page to see the new data submission.
  • CANDID Project:
  • Identification of demographics data as a partial location match or completion location match, or not match at all.
  • Removal of a check for "MRN" as the first column in the clinical data files that resulted in files failing to upload. The "MRN" column can now be any column in the files.
  • Updated messaging for scenarios where MRNs are missing.
  • Moved axial series SOP Class UID validation to occur upon data ingestion by the Connect platform instead upon import in the TRIAD Uploader. 
  • ALZ-NET Project: Addition of selection and deletion behavior for uploaded radiology reports.
  • General tasks in support of TRIAD Uploader operations.

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