- Click “Select” button on “DICOM Imaging Data” feature.
- A page displays with options to import imaging data in one of three ways:
- Local drive
- Querying a PACS
- Using a dataset previously submitted on Connect
- Click “Local Drive.
- A page displays two options to import: i) Local Drive and ii) Bulk Folder Import. “Local Drive” is used to import small datasets from your local machine. “Bulk Folder Import” is used to import large datasets already loaded to a folder path on the Connect server.
Local Drive – Small Data Set
- Local Drive is selected by default. You can upload an imaging data file(s) in one of three ways:
- Dragging and dropping a file(s) onto the upload page
- Clicking “Upload File(s)” button and selecting your file(s)
- Clicking “Upload Folder” button and select your folder
For CANDID -4-AI project only: If you attempt to upload a DICOM imaging data file without first uploading an MRN/Base Exam Date file, the following message displays:
- If the file upload is successful, you will see a message confirming the import and date offset.
- Depending on the size of the imaging data files, you may see a message warning not to close the browser until the import is complete.
- Click “Continue”. A validation check to confirm the DICOM(s) meets the axial series runs. If successful, you will see the following message.
NOTE: If you attempt to upload DICOMs, some of which meet validation and some that do not, the following message displays. A list of the DICOMs not meeting validation can be downloaded. You can proceed with the DICOMs that do meet validation. Alternatively, you can cancel the operation.
NOTE: If you attempt to upload DICOMs that do not meet validation, the following message displays and you cannot proceed - Click “Continue”
- You will be prompted to create a dataset. Click “Save Dataset”. Alternatively, you can edit the name of the dataset and then save.
- Once saved, you can
- Click “Anonymization Preview” to preview and confirm the anonymization the clinical data
- Click ”Cancel” to return to the import list
- Click the trash icon to delete the file. Alternatively, you can select a file or files and then delete them.
- Filter the list based on Modality, Study Description, or Study UID
- Click “Submit Data Set” to proceed with the submission NOTE: It is strongly recommended you preview the anonymized data before submission
- Anonymization Preview shows the anonymization of the MRN and other data points, if applicable to the data protocol of your project.
- Upon submission, the file is queued.
- Click “Submission Monitor” in the message to view a list of submissions and their status.
Query & Retrieve
- Click “Query & Retrieve”
- You can query & retrieve using a csv file or searching metadata.
CSV File
- Select the datasource then drag and drop your csv file or click the “Upload File(s)” button in the top right.
- You will be prompted to query the PACs using an identifier. Select the identifier then click “Next”
- You will then be prompted to create a dataset and add the AE Title. Click “Queue Query & Retrieve” to initiate the retrieval. Alternatively, you can edit the name of the dataset and then save or “Cancel” the operation. NOTE: For more efficient processing, the ability to preview the metadata on the “Preview” page is disabled by default. If you wish to see this metadata, check the “Enable Preview Features” box.
- The dataset is now queued.
- Click “Data Import Progress” to go to monitor the import status. You can click “Preview” next to successful import or partially successful import to preview the data before submission. For partial submissions or failures, you can click “Details” to learn more about any errors.
- Click “Preview” to go to the “Preview” page.
- Click “Anonymization Preview” to preview and confirm the anonymization
- Click ”Cancel” to return to the import list
- Click the trash icon to delete the file. Alternatively, you can select a file or files and then delete them.
- Filter the list based on Modality, Study Description, or Study UID
- Select the datasource, add the metadata search terms, then click “Query & Retrieve”
The query & retrieval process will start and check for the offset.
- If the file upload is successful, you will see a message confirming the import and date offset.
Click “Continue”. A validation check to confirm the DICOM(s) meets the axial series runs. If successful, you will see the following message and can proceed to Step 5.
NOTE: If all studies fail validation, you will see the following message. Click “Cancel” to close the message.
NOTE: If some studies fail validation, you will see the following message. You can download the files that failed validation, click “Continue” to proceed with the files that passed validation, or cancel. If you “Continue”, proceed to Step 5
- Click “Continue”.
You will be prompted to create a dataset. Click “Save Dataset”. Alternatively, you can edit the name of the dataset and then save.
- Once saved, you can:
- Click “Anonymization Preview” to preview and confirm the anonymization the clinical data
- Click ”Cancel” to return to the import list
- Click the trash icon to delete the file. Alternatively, you can select a file or files and then delete them.
- Filter the list based on Modality, Study Description, or Study UID
- Click “Submit Data Set” to proceed with the submission NOTE: It is strongly recommended you preview the anonymized data before submission
- Anonymization Preview shows the anonymization of the MRN and other data points, if applicable to the data protocol of your project.
- Upon submission, the file is queued.
- Click “Submission Monitor” in the message to view a list of submissions and their status.
Submission Monitor
- The Submission Monitor shows the status of each individual submission and a running tally of submissions at the top.
- Submitted clinical data files can be downloaded from the Submission Monitor. DICOM imaging data files cannot be downloaded.