On initial login for the DIR Link app, you will be directed to the Site Settings screen by default.
Note: Please see the User Roles for DIR Link page for users who have permissions to activate HERE.On the Site Settings screen, you will be prompted to enter your NRDR Corporate ID – enter that numerical ID in the text field and click Authorize
You will see a Successful! Authorization message under the following conditions:
The NRDR Corporate ID entered is valid
The user accessing the DIR Link application is assigned the correct permissions in the NRDR portal
Once the NRDR Corporate ID has been successfully authorized for the DIR Link app, you will see the facility(ies) listed below the NRDR Corporate ID that are associated with this corporate account
The facility(ies) listed should match those facilities you are have permissions for in the NRDR portal
Select the correct facility(ies)and press Activate.
After the NRDR Corporate ID and Facility activation occurs, you will click Next to proceed with Receiver Settings to complete set-up
On the Receiver Settings screen, you will be able to view and edit the Listener settings set-up to receive the DIR data submitted for your ACR Connect instance
To confirm initial set-up and complete the Activation steps for DIR Link, you should see the following details pre-loaded on the Receiver Settings screen:
Status of the Listener running
You can start / stop the Listener as appropriate
Hostname / IP of the Listener set-up
AE Title
Port set-up
If all is correct and no adjustments are needed, you will click the Start icon for the Listener and click the Complete Activation button.
The Connect DICOM Service will check and return a response to the DIR Link app if a
modified port / AE_title is in conflict with any other DICOM Listener set-up in the
Connect platform.
You should see a message displayed for Activation completed!